The Reverend Craig Newman
Administrative Assistant
Kathy Kuelz
Church Office-540-344-4437, ext. 10
Church Organist
Judy Clark
2330 South Jefferson Street ● Roanoke, Virginia 24014
540-344-4437 ●
Wedding Policy and Guidelines
We at South Roanoke United Methodist Church (SRUMC) believe that marriage is a sacred covenant established by God. And we believe you come to SRUMC seeking its blessing and to learn from this congregation how you can affirm your marriage and establish this relationship for a lifetime. In this way, the church seeks to provide you the very best our congregation has to offer as you begin your married lives together.
The Wedding Celebration is a sacred occasion of worship and an expression of a couple's faith. As you plan for this joyous occasion, we at SRUMC want to assist in any way possible to make your wedding a sacred and memorable event.
You are urged to read the following information carefully, so that when you speak to the appropriate officials of the church, they will be able to better answer any questions you may have.
Sanctuary…………………………………………………………… Seating capacity, 300
Fellowship Hall……………………………...………………….….. Capacity, 150
By the time you review this material, you may have already scheduled your date and time with the church’s Administrative Assistant and the participating minister. Next, you will need to:
When church facilities are to be used for the reception, arrangements must be made well in advance with the church’s Administrative Assistant. The following rules must be observed:
It is the wedding party’s responsibility to see that all flowers, decorations, food, and belongings of the wedding party are removed following the wedding.
For couples getting married at SRUMC, some will use a shuttle service to transport guest from the parking lot of SRUMC to an off-property reception venue. However, of recent, we have had couples who were not getting married at SRUMC, ask to use our parking lot as a place to shuttle and transport guest to their reception venue. There is a recommended donation for the use of our parking lot for a non-SRUMC wedding/event. For more information and availability, please contact the church office at 540-344-4437.
Fee includes premarital counseling
An additional $50 for practice of any new or unfamiliar songs
Audio Visual…………………………………………………..........$50
Maintenance fees…………………………………………................$125
Candles for wall sconces……………………………………………$60
Non-refundable deposit due at time of scheduling……….…………$125
Use of the sanctuary………………………………………………...$1,000
Fee includes premarital counseling
An additional $50 for practice of any new or unfamiliar songs
Audio Visual………………………………………………………..$50
Maintenance fees……………………………………………….......$125
Candles for wall sconces………………………………………........$60
The marriage license is to be obtained by the couple and presented to the minister prior to the rehearsal. The time of the rehearsal will be made in consultation with the minister and organist, and the rehearsal will begin promptly at the appointed hour. The couple is responsible for notifying all members of the wedding party of the rehearsal time.
Information Sheet for Marriages
(Must be returned to the church office before the wedding date can be scheduled)
Payment must be in the church office 2 weeks before the wedding.
Wedding for_______________________________________________&______________________________________
Bride (Full Name) Groom (Full Name)
Is the bride or groom a member of South Roanoke United Methodist Church? __________
What will be your full mailing address after the wedding?
Street/Apt # City/State Zip
Wedding Day
Bride’s cell phone________________________________________Email____________________________________
Groom’s cell phone_______________________________________Email____________________________________
Wedding Date___________________Time__________________Rehearsal Date__________________Time__________
Name of Minister performing ceremony _________________________________________________________________
Phone #_________________________________________________________
Name of Minister’s Church and Address________________________________________________________________
If not using church organist/has guest organist been approved? Yes__________ No__________
Dates of Consultations with the minister: 1)__________________ 2)__________________ 3_________________
The Reverend Craig Newman
Administrative Assistant
Kathy Kuelz
Church Office-540-344-4437, ext. 10
Church Organist
Judy Clark
2330 South Jefferson Street ● Roanoke, Virginia 24014
540-344-4437 ●
Wedding Policy and Guidelines
We at South Roanoke United Methodist Church (SRUMC) believe that marriage is a sacred covenant established by God. And we believe you come to SRUMC seeking its blessing and to learn from this congregation how you can affirm your marriage and establish this relationship for a lifetime. In this way, the church seeks to provide you the very best our congregation has to offer as you begin your married lives together.
The Wedding Celebration is a sacred occasion of worship and an expression of a couple's faith. As you plan for this joyous occasion, we at SRUMC want to assist in any way possible to make your wedding a sacred and memorable event.
You are urged to read the following information carefully, so that when you speak to the appropriate officials of the church, they will be able to better answer any questions you may have.
Sanctuary…………………………………………………………… Seating capacity, 300
Fellowship Hall……………………………...………………….….. Capacity, 150
By the time you review this material, you may have already scheduled your date and time with the church’s Administrative Assistant and the participating minister. Next, you will need to:
- Fill out the enclosed Information Sheet for Marriages and return it to the church office.
- Call the minister to arrange your premarital counseling.
- DATES: All dates must be confirmed at least three months prior to the scheduled event. Together with you, the minister will make arrangements for the Service of Marriage. All aspects of the ceremony should be worked out with the minister prior to the date of the rehearsal.
- PREMARITAL COUNSELING: Engaged couples are required to participate in pre-marital counseling, and the minister will happily arrange such conferences to talk with you about your plans and preparations. The couple shall consult with the minister to determine dates, times, and the number of sessions appropriate.
- GUEST MINISTERS: Other United Methodist ministers are permitted to officiate a wedding at SRUMC, provided the minister of SRUMC is consulted and notified well in advance of the ceremony. Clergy of other denominations may be allowed to assist SRUMC's minister in conducting the ceremony.
- MUSIC: Wedding music should be in keeping with the occasion of Christian worship. Guest musicians are permitted only after SRUMC's musicians have had first refusal or are otherwise unable to perform at your wedding.
- DECORATIONS: During certain times of the year, there will be liturgical decorations in place in the sanctuary (example: lilies at Easter and poinsettias at Christmas). These decorations should not be removed or altered in any way. If damage results to the church or its furnishings from failure to observe these regulations and/or neglect to exercise reasonable care, the cost of the repair shall be the obligation of the bride and groom. All wedding decorations are to be in place at least two hours before the wedding service and must be removed within two hours following the reception.
- PHOTOGRAPHY: Flash photography is permitted during the wedding ceremony, but your photographer must consult with the minister prior to the service. Videotaping is also permitted from certain locations in the sanctuary, but video equipment must be in place one hour before the service. Photography and videotaping should never draw attention away from the sacred nature of the occasion or the couple.
- REFUSAL: The minister reserves the right to refuse marriage to anyone deemed unprepared or unfit for marriage. This includes information gathered during premarital counseling sessions. The minister also reserves the right to refuse marriage to anyone under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs on, or before, the day of the wedding ceremony.
When church facilities are to be used for the reception, arrangements must be made well in advance with the church’s Administrative Assistant. The following rules must be observed:
- No form of alcoholic beverage may be served or consumed on church properties.
- Use of kitchen equipment must be cleared with the Administrative Assistant.
- The host family will be responsible for the use of the kitchen and for any damage to equipment.
- The kitchen and fellowship hall must be cleaned and cleared of any unused food, drinks, etc. All church owned equipment must be left clean.
- Caterers must be approved by the Administrative Assistant.
It is the wedding party’s responsibility to see that all flowers, decorations, food, and belongings of the wedding party are removed following the wedding.
For couples getting married at SRUMC, some will use a shuttle service to transport guest from the parking lot of SRUMC to an off-property reception venue. However, of recent, we have had couples who were not getting married at SRUMC, ask to use our parking lot as a place to shuttle and transport guest to their reception venue. There is a recommended donation for the use of our parking lot for a non-SRUMC wedding/event. For more information and availability, please contact the church office at 540-344-4437.
Fee includes premarital counseling
An additional $50 for practice of any new or unfamiliar songs
Audio Visual…………………………………………………..........$50
Maintenance fees…………………………………………................$125
Candles for wall sconces……………………………………………$60
Non-refundable deposit due at time of scheduling……….…………$125
Use of the sanctuary………………………………………………...$1,000
Fee includes premarital counseling
An additional $50 for practice of any new or unfamiliar songs
Audio Visual………………………………………………………..$50
Maintenance fees……………………………………………….......$125
Candles for wall sconces………………………………………........$60
The marriage license is to be obtained by the couple and presented to the minister prior to the rehearsal. The time of the rehearsal will be made in consultation with the minister and organist, and the rehearsal will begin promptly at the appointed hour. The couple is responsible for notifying all members of the wedding party of the rehearsal time.
Information Sheet for Marriages
(Must be returned to the church office before the wedding date can be scheduled)
Payment must be in the church office 2 weeks before the wedding.
Wedding for_______________________________________________&______________________________________
Bride (Full Name) Groom (Full Name)
Is the bride or groom a member of South Roanoke United Methodist Church? __________
What will be your full mailing address after the wedding?
Street/Apt # City/State Zip
Wedding Day
Bride’s cell phone________________________________________Email____________________________________
Groom’s cell phone_______________________________________Email____________________________________
Wedding Date___________________Time__________________Rehearsal Date__________________Time__________
Name of Minister performing ceremony _________________________________________________________________
Phone #_________________________________________________________
Name of Minister’s Church and Address________________________________________________________________
If not using church organist/has guest organist been approved? Yes__________ No__________
Dates of Consultations with the minister: 1)__________________ 2)__________________ 3_________________